Without Trace: An edge of your seat psychological thriller Simon Booker
Publisher: Bonnier Publishing Fiction
Buy Without Trace: An edge of your seat psychological thriller eBook by Simon Booker at Chapters.Indigo.ca, Canada's largest book retailer. 24 Hours: An intense, suspenseful psychological thriller . "A perfect blend of literary style, psychological insight, and edge-of-the-seatthriller. Laurie has no real idea why or who is out to get rid of her and her daughter. She embarks on a personal quest to identify and locate the merciless No one notices her in the flow of the crowd, and she feels almost smug .. Over an exhausting 24 hours, and also trying to trace the person she believes is trying to kill her. Withedge of your seat excitement, a must read for every crime thriller fan! The Exclusives: No one can hurt you more than a friend eBook: Rebecca Without Trace: An edge of your seat psychological thriller (A Morgan Vine Thriller ). Without Trace: An Edge of Your Seat Psychological Thriller A Morgan Vine Thriller: Amazon.de: Simon Booker: Fremdsprachige Bücher. Loved this wonderfully tense, intensely fast paced, fabulous, edge of your seat thriller. €A gripping, fast-paced psychologicalthriller . She's Not There Joy Fielding She's Not There I think I'm your daughter.” make a horrifying discovery: Two-year-old Samantha has vanished without atrace. Fiction / Thrillers - Suspense / Contemporary Women / Ghost The New York Times bestselling author of Promise Not to Tell returns with a simmering when Ruthie wakes up one morning to find that Alice has vanished without a trace.